I love the holidays! I love the festive air and the smiling faces and the lights and the scarfs and hats. Dan and I drove up to Paso Robles to have Thanksgiving with his dad and step-mom. It was a long drive, but it was so wonderful to see everyone and enjoy a relaxing weekend with family. Dinner was delicious! I am always so well fed at their house. :-) I like that all our family is pretty much within driving distance. Holidays is such a great time to see everyone and celebrate the year together.
Yesterday we decorated our new home for Christmas. I had Christmas music on all day long while we put up stockings and lights. We will hopefully be getting our tree this coming weekend!
One of my favorite things about the holidays is the time I take to reflect on the year and be thankful. I am going to list some of those things for you.
~ I am thankful for God's persistance. They way that He desires to spend time with me no matter what mood I am in or how well or not so well behaved I have been.
~God loves me as I am and not as I should be
~I am thankful for my husband and the way that he pursues me and desires to know me better
~I am thankful for our new home
~I am thankful for our church family and that we are starting to get connected
~I am thankful for my job and all the wonderful friends that I work with
~I am thankful for family
I am thankful for so many things. I would love to hear what you are thankful for. Please let me know.
Blessings ~~~
Monday, December 1, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Lately, I really just have not had much to say. I think about writing and then I wonder, does anyone even read this? Then I have to think, well what is the purpose of a blog? I honestly don't know. It is a way to journal online, a way for people to see more of you than you can express out loud, to let people see your heart not just what appears because of nervous habit or fear. As you probably already know, I am quite dysfunctional. I have a low to non-existent self-esteem, which makes it a challenge to make and keep friends (not much fun to hang out with I guess) which then effects my low self esteem. Such a nasty cycle. I wish I knew how to get off the roller coaster and learn how to not depend on others opinions of me. The other problem I have is interpreting things and taking things personally when that was never an intention of the other person. I can make a mess of the simplest things. I struggle, we all probably struggle with different things. You may be surprised to find that I am an introvert. My coping mechanisms are very different depending on the circumstances. I have been told that because of my fear of rejection I can appear snobby or prudish, and other times I make a total fool of myself and can't face anyone for awhile. How do you learn to get outside yourself and not worry about any of these things? Worry never helped anyone - in fact most often, worry is harmful! How do you train yourself not to worry or how do you just trust the invisible God with EVERYTHING! He is trustworthy but sometimes it is hard to trust. I admit I struggle! God says He is my all in all, I don't need anything else. Why do I struggle so much when I have the I AM in my life as my master, my Lord, and my Abba? Help me Jesus to have Your love flow from me, help me to have compassion from You to flow to those around me, make me Your vessel and use me to the glory of Your name!
Monday, October 20, 2008
A Call to Die
I don't know if I mentioned this already or not, but I am doing a daily devotion called "A Call to Die". It is pretty intense - which I like - with the challenges to die to my selfish desires and the way I live life in general. One of the things I have been reading about lately is about how often we minimize the purpose of the cross in our daily lives. Like there is some way to get deeper spiritually than the cross. I had to think about that for awhile because I get that way, where I think I need to grow deeper in my walk with cross than understanding what Jesus did on the cross. I still struggle to grasp the love and depth of sacrifice that Jesus has shown through His death on the cross. He didn't want to die! He had given up equality with God to live amongst us and then to take every sin ever committed and every sin to ever be committed in the future on Himself and died once for them all!We all have a choice to make, are we going to believe that He did that and accept Him as our Lord and Master. I have made that decision and yet I struggle daily to honor what He did on the cross. I still mess up regularly. I wish that I had the book with me right now so I could give you this quote word for word, but Charles Spurgeon said, "If you sin, sin boldly. Every time you sin, you are saying that sin is worth more to you than the cross of Jesus Christ." Ouch! I make so many choices each day - how I speak to people, the thoughts I entertain, the little white lies, the bad attitude, the selfishness, and the list goes on. I desire to think about Christ and Him crucified and have that be my perspective for each daily choice. I want to live a life filled with gratitude and thanksgiving, full of love and compassion. I want to rejoice when God rejoices and I want to weep when God weeps. To live with such passion and zeal and remembrance for why I am allowed to live eternally with God!
Monday, October 13, 2008
My mother treated me to the women's retreat with New Heights Community Church this past weekend. It was so wonderful to get away and relax, soak in the Scriptures, and time with all those wonderful women. Julie spent the weekend sharing with all of us what she is learning about Jewish history and how it ties in to the Scriptures and Christ's crucifixtion. It was so cool. I learned that while Jesus' hands and feet were being nailed to the cross a lamb was being bound for the atonement sacrifice in the temple. When the atonement sacrifice had been completed, the priest would come out of the temple and say, " The nations sins have been atoned for. It is finished." and when Jesus breathed His last on the cross, He said, "It is finished." Christ atoned for our sins for all eternity that day. Why? Because He loves us, because He loves us, because He loves us, because He loves us, because He loves us.... "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!" God has been speaking to me in so many ways about how much He loves me 100%, He will never love me any more and He will never love me any less. He loves me as I am and not as I should be. Praise God! I am so blessed by the Lord's love, faithfulness, grace, mercy, friendship, mastership, and His many blessings in my life. I have a wonderful family - by blood and by marriage - I couldn't ask for better family. I have friends, a home fellowship, a house, a man I love and who loves me deeply.
Anyway, the weekend was fun. We had times to sing together, to learn together, to get out and enjoy the autumn air, to eat together, and just enjoy God's wonderful creation. I went horseback riding with some of the woman and that was a blast. My horses name was China and she was a good mare. It was a tiring weekend but worth every minute.
I am thankful for you, by the way! :-)
Anyway, the weekend was fun. We had times to sing together, to learn together, to get out and enjoy the autumn air, to eat together, and just enjoy God's wonderful creation. I went horseback riding with some of the woman and that was a blast. My horses name was China and she was a good mare. It was a tiring weekend but worth every minute.
I am thankful for you, by the way! :-)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Life, Plans and Blessings
Life keeps going round and round. I was just telling Dan the other day that things keep going same in and same out every week and sometimes you just want to get off for awhile. He commented about how blessed we were that it goes that way with a job we like. I agreed because I have tried it with a job I didn't like and it is much harder. There are so many things to be thankful for. I am thankful for my family (by blood and by marriage), for our home, for my wonderful husband who loves me and honors God, for my job and the splendid people I serve with, for our home church and the small group we are connecting with, for fall, for this women's retreat, for the holidays coming up, and so many other things. When you start to list all the things that you are thankful for you can't help but be cheerful, you should try it!
I am going through a daily devotional, it has been challenging and energizing. It amazes me how much of a difference it makes in my daily life when I spend time to focus on the Lord and really think on His word. I am more productive with my time, I am calmer and more steady emotionally, my husband sees a great change in my attitude in general, and I see things differently. Thanks mom for getting it for me.It is a great addition and blessing in my life.
This weekend I am going on a women's retreat with my mom and I am so excited to be getting away. I am looking forward to the time spent with God and with a bunch of women who are devoted to knowing Him better. It will be nice to relax and go horseback riding etc. I have not gone away on my own without Dan since we got married so I am excited about the opportunity. He is looking forward to his time to do his own thing and not worry about me. :-)
Dan is putting on our new front door this weekend. It is great that we have a friend coming to help him and that will feel good for both of them. I am looking forward to the look it will give the house. I will have to post pictures. I keep forgetting to get those up.
I hope you have a great weekend and think on the things that you are most grateful for.
I am going through a daily devotional, it has been challenging and energizing. It amazes me how much of a difference it makes in my daily life when I spend time to focus on the Lord and really think on His word. I am more productive with my time, I am calmer and more steady emotionally, my husband sees a great change in my attitude in general, and I see things differently. Thanks mom for getting it for me.It is a great addition and blessing in my life.
This weekend I am going on a women's retreat with my mom and I am so excited to be getting away. I am looking forward to the time spent with God and with a bunch of women who are devoted to knowing Him better. It will be nice to relax and go horseback riding etc. I have not gone away on my own without Dan since we got married so I am excited about the opportunity. He is looking forward to his time to do his own thing and not worry about me. :-)
Dan is putting on our new front door this weekend. It is great that we have a friend coming to help him and that will feel good for both of them. I am looking forward to the look it will give the house. I will have to post pictures. I keep forgetting to get those up.
I hope you have a great weekend and think on the things that you are most grateful for.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Fun Weekend!
It was a full and very fun weekend. It was a bit of a birthday extravaganza. Friday night, Dan and I worked around the house and in the garage trying to get some things done. We also went on a date, thanks to Ray and Carol (my in-laws), to Chili's. It was so nice to get out and share a meal and a drink together and just talk. Saturday we poured a little concrete in our backyard and put our hand prints and names in it. We did some more work in the garage. We never seem to have enough time to finish what we are working on so we keep coming back to the same projects to try and get them done. Our friend, Forrest, turned 40 on Saturday and since Blair turns 30 on the 7th we had a combined 70th Birthday bash for them. It was great fun, filled with friends, food, drink and games. We watched a little college ball and ate more food than we should of. It was wonderful.
Sunday we went to church, I rocked babies to sleep while Dan listened to the sermon and gained more insight into the 5th and 6th commandments. We went to lunch with some wonderful friends of ours at the Little Fish Market. (I had chicken for all of you wondering what I was doing at a fish joint) That evening my parents threw a BBQ party for Dan for his birthday. He is now 36 - back to being 11 years older than me! :-0 We had a few friends over and ate good food, watched football, and played a little wii fitness.
This weekend was a blast and it was nice to get so much fellowship in. Thank you Lord for providing good friends and fun.
Sunday we went to church, I rocked babies to sleep while Dan listened to the sermon and gained more insight into the 5th and 6th commandments. We went to lunch with some wonderful friends of ours at the Little Fish Market. (I had chicken for all of you wondering what I was doing at a fish joint) That evening my parents threw a BBQ party for Dan for his birthday. He is now 36 - back to being 11 years older than me! :-0 We had a few friends over and ate good food, watched football, and played a little wii fitness.
This weekend was a blast and it was nice to get so much fellowship in. Thank you Lord for providing good friends and fun.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Old News
This is probably old news to you, but we are moved into our new house! We are so excited and stressed and exhausted. We figure that we will just feel that way for awhile. We have moved everything over but still have so much to unpack and organize. The more we pull out and go to put away the more work we see that we want/need to do on the house. That is where the stress comes in, we can't do it all soon enough and we just don't have the money to do what we feel needs to be done. We have decided that we need to just unpack everything and put it all away to the best of our abilities and then make wish lists of what we would like to do to the house. We will prioritize those lists and as we have the money we will accomplish those things. It is really hard to wait though, when you are excited and you have a vision of how you want things to look. It is such a cute place and I am really excited as I watch things come together. It is still way more cluttered than I can handle so my stress levels are pretty high but we will get there. We do a little bit at a time and we see things form. I think one of the first things we will do is paint the office and then the baby room. We need a closet organizer also so that should happen pretty quickly. I will post pictures when we finally have things arranged. I am excited to have people over and have get togethers.
Thursday, September 25, 2008

We should have keys tonight! Everything is signed, money has been wired, so all we are waiting for is for the docs to be filed. Yahoo! I am relived and excited and tired and and and. :-D This means that we will be moving this weekend and cleaning out the apartment and moving away from El Cajon Blvd. That is one street that I will never miss. I won't miss the police helicopters circling at night, or the howling dog in the complex over, or the sound of aluminum bats on Saturday morning, or the school bell or alarm going off, or being able to hear everything my neighbors do. I am so excited to be moving into our first home. I am looking forward to the nice neighborhood, having a yard, having my own bathroom, having cabinets and counter space, making friends, and having room to have people over. I am looking forward to the newness and the changes and the freshness of things. I am looking forward to making the place our home with our touches. I went and saw the movie "The Women" last night with my friend Lyndsie. It was a fun movie to watch - definitely a chick flick! The more I thought about the movie though - the more I realized I didn't like the moral of the story. Yes it was about friendship, love, and forgiveness, but it was also based on the idea that if you are selfish and put yourself first that everything else will fall into place and be great. Just because you are a good person and look out for the interests of others does not mean that your life is going to fall apart and leave you with nothing. True happiness and peace comes from a relationship with the one and only God. It comes from loving him first and then loving your neighbor as yourself. You don't need to neglect yourself to put others first. You still need to take care of your body and hair and priorities. You just are not first. Which is a much happier place to be. The more I think about myself the more depressed I get and the more I just lose all perspective. I have noticed that I am really cheerful when I am thinking about ways to encourage someone else or cleaning things or making dinner for my husband or buying gifts for someone etc. I find joy in doing things for others, when my focus is not on myself at all. Just some food for thought.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Today is my one year anniversary of being married to Dan. It has been such an amazing and full year. Saturday my parents took us out to dinner at an Italian restaurant to help us celebrate. The food was delicious! It was a beautiful and relaxing evening. Sunday evening, Dan took me to dinner at the Prado in Balboa Park. We took out wedding pictures at Balboa park last year, some of which were taken in the garden outside the Prado. I have been there 3 times now and have had a spectacular experience with each. The food is always excellent and the service is superb. Thanks to Uncle Bill and Aunt Ginger we were able to go out to dinner at the Prado. Thanks! Today Dan is golfing in Rancho Santa Fe for an Amor fundraising event. This is the 3rd or 5th annual tournament. I hope he is up there having fun. I spent the morning looking through our wedding pictures and laughing and crying and remembering. It was fun!
We still have not signed loan docs and we are so stressed and frustrated with the whole process. It is expensive to close late and what is worse is we have no control over the timing of things. We just have to bite the bullet, so to speak. I am ready to be done with this process and start making our new house a home. I am ready to be settled and be having friends and family over. I am ready to have my own bathroom and to have a yard and neighbors and no more police helicopters overhead each night. I am ready to not be in limbo with so many things. I am ready to move on and focus on the next thing - what church we will attend, what small group to get connected with, start shopping for Christmas gifts, etc. I am ready to get this boot off my foot and be free. I am ready to get out and exercise and like the way I look again. I am ready for fall and winter and fun. I am ready for freedom. I think I am going crazy! Pray for us and this whole housing process, we would really love to move in this weekend. Thanks
We still have not signed loan docs and we are so stressed and frustrated with the whole process. It is expensive to close late and what is worse is we have no control over the timing of things. We just have to bite the bullet, so to speak. I am ready to be done with this process and start making our new house a home. I am ready to be settled and be having friends and family over. I am ready to have my own bathroom and to have a yard and neighbors and no more police helicopters overhead each night. I am ready to not be in limbo with so many things. I am ready to move on and focus on the next thing - what church we will attend, what small group to get connected with, start shopping for Christmas gifts, etc. I am ready to get this boot off my foot and be free. I am ready to get out and exercise and like the way I look again. I am ready for fall and winter and fun. I am ready for freedom. I think I am going crazy! Pray for us and this whole housing process, we would really love to move in this weekend. Thanks
Friday, September 19, 2008
Unplanned...That;'s life!

Well, as usual in life, things didn't go the way we had planned. We have not closed escrow yet so we will not be moving this weekend! :-( Sad news, I know. With the economy the way it is, lenders are much more cautious and they have gone over everything with a fine-toothed comb. We are hoping things go forward now and we will hopefully close next week. We are soooo ready to move. Our things are packed away and we have not done any grocery shopping - therefore their are slim-pickins for food. I had a bowl of veggies for dinner the other night. Maybe this process is helping me eat better. :-D Disappointment is so hard to deal with. It adds stress to your life that you really didn't need or want to add. Stress adds knots to the already knot-filled back.
On to bigger and better things. IT'S FRIDAY PEOPLE! I love Fridays, we get off work an hour earlier, we know that we can sleep in the next morning, and we usually get to spend time with good friends. Maybe we will go help some friends to work on their kitchen. Who knows what this weekend will hold. I am serving in the nursery at church on Sunday, which is great because I love to hold babies.It holds me over while I wait a few years to have little ones of my own. I had a dream last night that scared me away from wanting kids any sooner. It is funny how God works to help your husband out. Dan wants to wait at LEAST two more years and I was wanting to wait no longer than two years but I think I can wait now. :-D Happy Friday everyone!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Do you ever have those blah days? Today is one of those days for me. My head feels full and heavy and the hours seem to stretch by. I feel like things just refuse to go right. I was late to work this morning - meaning that I walked into a meeting late - a meeting that I was supposed to be taking notes for. I started the day with a headache and really can't shake the feeling. It is weird that when you feel blah that your eating habits go south as well. You want to eat to match how you feel so you eat comfort food that in the end really does not comfort anyone, it just makes you feel more blah and guilty for eating so poorly. Do you ever have those days? Today is one of those days for me. After my poor lunch choice, I thought I would shut my eyes for 20 minutes - you know that thing they call a power nap - there was no power in that nap. First of all, I fell asleep for an hour and 20 minutes, not good when you have already used up 40 minutes of your lunch hour. Second, I woke up more tired and feeling even more guilty. Guilt is not a fun emotion to carry and it is really hard to dispel. I don't mean to write such a depressing blog but today is just one of those blah days. I guess in a sense I want you to know that I am just like you and experience my ups and downs like you all. Despite the blah day, I have to say that I know God is faithful and His love endures forever. I know that He is with me in spite of my poor attitude. His arms are open to love me and comfort me in my dark places. Thank you Lord for loving me when I don't deserve it!
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Weekend!
It turned out to be a great weekend, despite the stress with not having things secure with the house. We started packing on Saturday and oh what a mess. We realized quickly that we did not have near enough boxes. We got as much done as we could before it was time to get ready for Air Supply!
The concert was so much fun. This was my third year going and it is a blast everytime. I don't really go for the music but for the fun with my friends. We all sing along very off-key to the music and drink the infamous Mai Tai. When they play the last song we all rush to the front to get a closer look and listen. It is crowded and hot but hilarious and awesome at the same time.
Sunday we went to church, and I was so relieved to be a part of the service. I have been traveling and working in the nursery, so I have missed many services. It was so nice to worship with the body and fellowship and hear the word preached. Pastor Mike is talking about VISION. What is God calling you to? How does He want to use you in the environments you are already in? I am looking forward to delving more into this series. We learned about the church we are starting in Santee, so we have more information when we go to figure out where to go to church when we move.
Sunday evening, my parents threw my birthday dinner. Yummy steak, veggies, fruit, corn on the cob, and mandarin orange whip. MMMMMMMMM! My brothers girlfriends came over and we had dessert and played bowling wii. It was so fun. My mom bought me this new devotional called "A Call to Die". I read the prologue last night and I am really interested in diving into it. It will be a big commitment though. It is a 40 day devotion and I will need to fast from something during that time period as well. It is always hard to give up something you really enjoy for something you know will benefit you but may not be "fun". I think I will start the book after our move and things have settled just a bit. I will let you know when we have the house and have moved in. Still waiting....I
The concert was so much fun. This was my third year going and it is a blast everytime. I don't really go for the music but for the fun with my friends. We all sing along very off-key to the music and drink the infamous Mai Tai. When they play the last song we all rush to the front to get a closer look and listen. It is crowded and hot but hilarious and awesome at the same time.
Sunday we went to church, and I was so relieved to be a part of the service. I have been traveling and working in the nursery, so I have missed many services. It was so nice to worship with the body and fellowship and hear the word preached. Pastor Mike is talking about VISION. What is God calling you to? How does He want to use you in the environments you are already in? I am looking forward to delving more into this series. We learned about the church we are starting in Santee, so we have more information when we go to figure out where to go to church when we move.
Sunday evening, my parents threw my birthday dinner. Yummy steak, veggies, fruit, corn on the cob, and mandarin orange whip. MMMMMMMMM! My brothers girlfriends came over and we had dessert and played bowling wii. It was so fun. My mom bought me this new devotional called "A Call to Die". I read the prologue last night and I am really interested in diving into it. It will be a big commitment though. It is a 40 day devotion and I will need to fast from something during that time period as well. It is always hard to give up something you really enjoy for something you know will benefit you but may not be "fun". I think I will start the book after our move and things have settled just a bit. I will let you know when we have the house and have moved in. Still waiting....I
Thursday, September 11, 2008

We are doing our final walk-thru on Sunday! I can't believe how fast time has gone by. The work that needed to be done before we move in, is complete. We are so excited about moving and setting up our home. Escrow closes next week on Wednesday, can you believe it?! We will be signing our lives away and then we will officially be home-owners. In two weeks we will also be celebrating our 1st anniversary, and of course our gift to each other is a house. :-) Here are some pictures of our house.
Team Retreat
As a staff we have just had two relaxing days of time together. Our first day is always the same. We get together at a hotel and play games, meditate and pray together, review the core values of Amor and talk about the theme verse and vision of Amor. Sometimes we have a movie thrown in for variety. This year we watched "Chariots of Fire". For all of you who like that movie, I am very sorry but that movie really is very boring. I am glad we took a break for ice cream but I really didn't want to come back to the movie.I wrote about our theme verse in my last blog. We are looking at ourselves and at the ministry to see where we are lukewarm. We want to be HOT! On fire for the Lord and the mission He has called us to. Renew the passion and zeal of His people and our love for them.
Our second day has evolved to the perfect day! We went to Mission Beach from 10am to 2pm for fun games and chillin' on the beach. It was fantastic. I have learned that I am pretty good at Ladder Balls when teamed with Kellie. We ruled all three games we played. We even beat the boys. It was awesome. I took a nap and we had bbq chicken. It was splendid. I love that it is so important to the leaders here at Amor to treat us to time away from the office, to reflect, recoup and to unify and enjoy each other. It has turned into one of my favorite things of the year.
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot - I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I am about to spit you out of my mouth!" Revelation 3:15-16
Our second day has evolved to the perfect day! We went to Mission Beach from 10am to 2pm for fun games and chillin' on the beach. It was fantastic. I have learned that I am pretty good at Ladder Balls when teamed with Kellie. We ruled all three games we played. We even beat the boys. It was awesome. I took a nap and we had bbq chicken. It was splendid. I love that it is so important to the leaders here at Amor to treat us to time away from the office, to reflect, recoup and to unify and enjoy each other. It has turned into one of my favorite things of the year.
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot - I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I am about to spit you out of my mouth!" Revelation 3:15-16
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other. So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mout
h." Rev 3:15-16
I have chosen to memorize this verse since it is our theme verse for the next year here at Amor. This is a tough verse. There is no in between with God. It is probably not fun to be "lukewarm" anyway. Funny thing is, I often find myself being lukewarm. I get lazy and lose passion and fire. I don't know why I do that - is it my way of checking out and taking a breather or is it just easier to be lazy and not apply passion to my life and walk with the Lord. Lazy is not profitable for anyone, especially myself and my family. I want to live life to its fullest with passion and zeal. I wa
nt to know God and be known by God. I want to love others the way Christ loves me. I want to continually give of myself and find energy in being loving and compassionate to all that I encounter. What about you? What is your purpose and passion in life? What do you want to go out of this life being known for?

I have chosen to memorize this verse since it is our theme verse for the next year here at Amor. This is a tough verse. There is no in between with God. It is probably not fun to be "lukewarm" anyway. Funny thing is, I often find myself being lukewarm. I get lazy and lose passion and fire. I don't know why I do that - is it my way of checking out and taking a breather or is it just easier to be lazy and not apply passion to my life and walk with the Lord. Lazy is not profitable for anyone, especially myself and my family. I want to live life to its fullest with passion and zeal. I wa

Monday, August 25, 2008
We are in escrow! AAHHHAAHHH! Don't get me wrong, I am really excited but scared out of my bloomin' mind. It means more scrutiny about where and how we spend money and more time at home. I am really excited though. It is a beautiful home and it really is move-in ready. It is in a great neighborhood with a great school district, and most important close to my parents so when we have kids they can be close to their grandparents. I was never close to my grandparents growing up and I really think that I missed out. Dan was very close to his grandparents and to hear the stories and see the pictures makes me wish I had had that growing up. Anyway back to the escrow issue. We are supposed to close on the 17th of September! Whahoo. It is our one year anniversary to each other. Can you believe it has already been one whole year. It has just flown by with so much going on. It has been amazing. I have learned more about the love of my life and grown more in love with him. We have been through many trying times but it brings us closer and makes us stronger. The Lord has been so gracious to us and really called on us to trust Him.
I was in the hospital on Thursday morning, in intense pain. It turns out I have a kidney infection. I would not recommend one of those to anyone. It is very painful and greatly affects your life for several days. I am being a good girl and taking my meds and trying to sleep and rest and heal up. I look pretty pitful since I am wearing a cast on my right foot and holding my kidney (my right lower back area). I am quite the sight. I hope you have enjoyed a little wandering through my brain today. :)
I was in the hospital on Thursday morning, in intense pain. It turns out I have a kidney infection. I would not recommend one of those to anyone. It is very painful and greatly affects your life for several days. I am being a good girl and taking my meds and trying to sleep and rest and heal up. I look pretty pitful since I am wearing a cast on my right foot and holding my kidney (my right lower back area). I am quite the sight. I hope you have enjoyed a little wandering through my brain today. :)
Monday, August 18, 2008

Death...I try to avoid the reality of it. Apparently you can only avoid it for so long before it finds you. Dan's grandmother passed away on July 30th, 2008 and it hurts. I miss her so much and feel like it was not right that she be taken away from us. I want her back. It was the first funeral for me and let me tell you...I am NOT a fan. They are sad and awkward. You are never sure what to say and you don't know what will make you cry or even if you will cry. Then when you put the ashes in the niche, you think, this is really final, she is not coming back. Who thought dying should be part of the life process. I do not care for it at all. I want to go to heaven but I was kind of hoping to just kind of float my way there. I don't want to experience pain or death. I think reality is settling in slowly that that is not the way it works. The good news is that God is faithful and He loves me more than I can fathom. I have also chosen to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for me and conquered death so that I could be with Him for eternity. I have faith that I will be with the Father in the future and I have to tell you that I am really looking forward to it. I have no concept of what it will be like in heaven but I am positive it will not be a place of sorrow, regret, or pain. Thank you Jesus for loving me and for saving me from an eternity without You!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Life changes all the time. I can't seem to keep up with all that is going on around me and even in my own life. I am an executive assistant at Amor ministries and serving four different execs. I love it and can't believe how amazingly God has worked in my life. I have had a few different jobs in my short lifetime but to look back I see God's hand guiding and involved in each one.
More blessings to talk about...I am married to the most wonderful man. I never would have guessed that God would put us together and guide us and bless us in our marriage the way that He has. We bring strength and healing to each others weak spots. He is a wonderful man full of love, compassion, strength, wisdom, and a servants heart. I love him so very much.
Right now we are on the hunt for a house since the market seems to be in our favor at the moment. This is another thing that we will be praying our way through - hoping not only to survive but to come out just fine. It is stressful and slow but I guess this is a good test of my lack of patience. :)
We are going to Sacramento tomorrow for our dear friends wedding. I can't wait to see Kyle walk down the aisle and say "I do". After the wedding, Dan and I are headed to Tahoe for a much needed vacation. We are very excited and hoping that it is not too smokey from the Northern California fires.
That's the update. Thanks for reading!
More blessings to talk about...I am married to the most wonderful man. I never would have guessed that God would put us together and guide us and bless us in our marriage the way that He has. We bring strength and healing to each others weak spots. He is a wonderful man full of love, compassion, strength, wisdom, and a servants heart. I love him so very much.
Right now we are on the hunt for a house since the market seems to be in our favor at the moment. This is another thing that we will be praying our way through - hoping not only to survive but to come out just fine. It is stressful and slow but I guess this is a good test of my lack of patience. :)
We are going to Sacramento tomorrow for our dear friends wedding. I can't wait to see Kyle walk down the aisle and say "I do". After the wedding, Dan and I are headed to Tahoe for a much needed vacation. We are very excited and hoping that it is not too smokey from the Northern California fires.
That's the update. Thanks for reading!
Monday, May 19, 2008

Well, I just got back to San Diego after a week in Crestone, Colorado. It is a small town with not a whole lot going on. It was so relaxing and it was so great to see my grandma and my uncle. We stayed with my uncle and it was wonderful. It snowed a couple of times and hailed a bit. We went for a hike and rode the ATV. It was just a great getaway. I was able to spend time reading and praying and just really getting away from all the busyness of life. We saw many deer and hike by a couple of creeks. It was all very peaceful. It was emotionally draining in some senses. My relatives don't know Jesus and it makes things hard sometimes. They find god within themselves and work to think good thoughts. I want my whole family spending eternity in the presence of a loving and all powerful God. I want them to have no more pain or sorrow. I want good things for them all.
I have been reading a book called Prayer, by Philip Yancey. It is really good. I like Yancy's writing style, it is honest and fresh and full of stories and descriptions. It is comforting to know that so many of us deal with the same issues with prayer. Sometimes I feel like I am talking to the wall, other times I don't understand why He does not answer, and still other times I feel at peace in my relationship. God is such a mystery and we have so many things to learn. I love that I can approach the seat of grace with confidence. Jesus made the way for me to approach myself and work on my relationship with the Lord.
God is so good. He has been so much work in my life lately. I am growing and being challenged. God is healing me - slowly but He is healing me. I am looking forward to all that God has for me and the opportunities that are being presented to me. I am really looking forward to being changed and having my life and boundaries expanded.
Please share your thoughts and experiences with me.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
30 days left to live
The sermon series at church is "What would you do if you had 30 days left to live". It has struck a chord with me. I have not been able to stop thinking about it and mulling it over. It has really challenged me to look at my life and ask what is most important to me. Lately I have just been trying to survive. I have not been looking at the big picture or experiencing joy in life. There are so many joys to be had and I am missing them. How do you live your life with an eternal perspective? How do you make each day count? What do you say to that friend or family member who does not have Jesus as their Savior? Do you do more than just try to live a different life with a godly example? These are just some of the questions I have been asking myself.
I want to leave a legacy that says I was a godly woman who truly cared about people. I want to make a difference in the lives of the people around me. How do I let go of my selfish desires and replace them with a vision of the end? It needs to be more than just reading the Bible and spending time in prayer. Those are great things but a life lived for God, I think is so much more. There should be joys, trials, challenges, victories, love, fellowship and fun. We should be enjoying life as though it were a gift. We are given each breath we breathe.
If I were truly honest, if I had 30 days left to live I am afraid that I would waste some of it with self pity and anger. I wish I was in a place where I knew that I would boldly love and share the gospel. I should already be doing that of course. I think if I were already living my life as though I had 30 days left to live that if I really had 30 days left to live, nothing would change. I would live out my final days the way I was already living. Loving my family, picking my battles carefully, sharing the love of Christ boldly, not being afraid to give things away and meet the needs of those around me if I can. That is the way I want to live my life. How about you?
I want to leave a legacy that says I was a godly woman who truly cared about people. I want to make a difference in the lives of the people around me. How do I let go of my selfish desires and replace them with a vision of the end? It needs to be more than just reading the Bible and spending time in prayer. Those are great things but a life lived for God, I think is so much more. There should be joys, trials, challenges, victories, love, fellowship and fun. We should be enjoying life as though it were a gift. We are given each breath we breathe.
If I were truly honest, if I had 30 days left to live I am afraid that I would waste some of it with self pity and anger. I wish I was in a place where I knew that I would boldly love and share the gospel. I should already be doing that of course. I think if I were already living my life as though I had 30 days left to live that if I really had 30 days left to live, nothing would change. I would live out my final days the way I was already living. Loving my family, picking my battles carefully, sharing the love of Christ boldly, not being afraid to give things away and meet the needs of those around me if I can. That is the way I want to live my life. How about you?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Crazy Busy
I work for a company that just started up a couple of years ago. We are working on getting our name out and letting people know all that we offer. We have several things coming up in the next two months that have all of us losing our minds. We have the CMA conference in Dallas coming up in about a week. Most of that is ready to rock and roll. We have thumb drives to give out that still need our information downloaded on them and things like that. We are running crazy last minute. I don't work as good last minute as my compadres do. Then on the 16th of May, we have a test run of our whole program to make sure we have all the kinks out. We will be doing the classroom stuff and the one day house build in Mexico. It should be tons of fun, but a lot of work, especially with the next conference right around the corner. We have the ASTD pre-workshop Mexico build on May 31st and then we have the conference from June 2-4. It should be crazy. I am ready for things to settle into a pattern, but I have a feeling that it will be quite awhile before that happens. We will have all the followup work to do after that. I love my job and I love that we are busy and that we are making a difference in the leadership community.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
New thing for me
I have never been a blogger, but I thought I would try my hand at it. I enjoy reading other blogs and learning new things through others adventures that maybe someone would enjoy my own.
I work for a non-profit company that I am really jazzed about. I love making a difference in our world and working along others who are passionate about doing the same. I am learning so many new tools for things. I am being stretched and challenged. I am so excited about all that we are doing. I can't wait to be working with people as they develop as leaders and reach outside themselves to also change the life of a family in Mexico. We have 3 house building projects on the calendar right now and I hope we get more. It amazes me at what can be done in one day. I am rambing a bit, aren't I? :-) Just learning the ropes.
I work for a non-profit company that I am really jazzed about. I love making a difference in our world and working along others who are passionate about doing the same. I am learning so many new tools for things. I am being stretched and challenged. I am so excited about all that we are doing. I can't wait to be working with people as they develop as leaders and reach outside themselves to also change the life of a family in Mexico. We have 3 house building projects on the calendar right now and I hope we get more. It amazes me at what can be done in one day. I am rambing a bit, aren't I? :-) Just learning the ropes.
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