Well, as usual in life, things didn't go the way we had planned. We have not closed escrow yet so we will not be moving this weekend! :-( Sad news, I know. With the economy the way it is, lenders are much more cautious and they have gone over everything with a fine-toothed comb. We are hoping things go forward now and we will hopefully close next week. We are soooo ready to move. Our things are packed away and we have not done any grocery shopping - therefore their are slim-pickins for food. I had a bowl of veggies for dinner the other night. Maybe this process is helping me eat better. :-D Disappointment is so hard to deal with. It adds stress to your life that you really didn't need or want to add. Stress adds knots to the already knot-filled back.
On to bigger and better things. IT'S FRIDAY PEOPLE! I love Fridays, we get off work an hour earlier, we know that we can sleep in the next morning, and we usually get to spend time with good friends. Maybe we will go help some friends to work on their kitchen. Who knows what this weekend will hold. I am serving in the nursery at church on Sunday, which is great because I love to hold babies.It holds me over while I wait a few years to have little ones of my own. I had a dream last night that scared me away from wanting kids any sooner. It is funny how God works to help your husband out. Dan wants to wait at LEAST two more years and I was wanting to wait no longer than two years but I think I can wait now. :-D Happy Friday everyone!
just a test
your test worked :-D
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