Tuesday, April 15, 2008

30 days left to live

The sermon series at church is "What would you do if you had 30 days left to live". It has struck a chord with me. I have not been able to stop thinking about it and mulling it over. It has really challenged me to look at my life and ask what is most important to me. Lately I have just been trying to survive. I have not been looking at the big picture or experiencing joy in life. There are so many joys to be had and I am missing them. How do you live your life with an eternal perspective? How do you make each day count? What do you say to that friend or family member who does not have Jesus as their Savior? Do you do more than just try to live a different life with a godly example? These are just some of the questions I have been asking myself.

I want to leave a legacy that says I was a godly woman who truly cared about people. I want to make a difference in the lives of the people around me. How do I let go of my selfish desires and replace them with a vision of the end? It needs to be more than just reading the Bible and spending time in prayer. Those are great things but a life lived for God, I think is so much more. There should be joys, trials, challenges, victories, love, fellowship and fun. We should be enjoying life as though it were a gift. We are given each breath we breathe.

If I were truly honest, if I had 30 days left to live I am afraid that I would waste some of it with self pity and anger. I wish I was in a place where I knew that I would boldly love and share the gospel. I should already be doing that of course. I think if I were already living my life as though I had 30 days left to live that if I really had 30 days left to live, nothing would change. I would live out my final days the way I was already living. Loving my family, picking my battles carefully, sharing the love of Christ boldly, not being afraid to give things away and meet the needs of those around me if I can. That is the way I want to live my life. How about you?

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