Thursday, April 10, 2008

Crazy Busy

I work for a company that just started up a couple of years ago. We are working on getting our name out and letting people know all that we offer. We have several things coming up in the next two months that have all of us losing our minds. We have the CMA conference in Dallas coming up in about a week. Most of that is ready to rock and roll. We have thumb drives to give out that still need our information downloaded on them and things like that. We are running crazy last minute. I don't work as good last minute as my compadres do. Then on the 16th of May, we have a test run of our whole program to make sure we have all the kinks out. We will be doing the classroom stuff and the one day house build in Mexico. It should be tons of fun, but a lot of work, especially with the next conference right around the corner. We have the ASTD pre-workshop Mexico build on May 31st and then we have the conference from June 2-4. It should be crazy. I am ready for things to settle into a pattern, but I have a feeling that it will be quite awhile before that happens. We will have all the followup work to do after that. I love my job and I love that we are busy and that we are making a difference in the leadership community.

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