Friday, September 5, 2014


I wish I wrote things down more often so that I can remember them forever. I didn't do baby books for my kids - not really anyway. Since I am currently feeling this way, I figure now is a good time to jot down a few things I don't want to forget about my kids right now.

Jake - almost 4 years old
  • told me the other day that he was too little for preschool because he didn't know how to saw. I asked him if the other kids at school knew how to saw and he said, "welllllll, no" I guess Daddy needs to teach him to saw :-)
  • Jake loves to read a truck book (aka 4Wheel Magazines) when he poops
  • Jake loves Legos and Hotwheels
  • Jake says to me, while pooping, (imagine a grunting voice), "the strawberries I ate, everything I ate is too big....I can't get the poopies out!" 
  • Most nights at dinner, he says, "Mom and Dad, you crack me up!"
  • He says prayers before dinner, and regularly thanks God for our blessings and peace and our healthy bites. Some nights those prayers are really long and repetitive and other times they are super short. All of them make me happy.
  • Jake loves people and frequently gives anyone around a kiss on the arm - yes the arm.
  • Valentines day this year we went to Oggi's for dinner as a family. We were shown our table and as we went to sit down, Jake walks over to the couple (whom we had never met before) sitting across from us and hugs them both. So cute, kinda scary, and so thankful they appreciated the cuteness that is Jake.
  • Jake loves to ask Daddy how his day was and what he did it at work - that conversation goes on for awhile because he is very persistent in his questioning.
  • He is and has been for awhile in the stage of asking WHY to everything
  • He is very good at saying No, thank you when he doesn't like something and he says excuse me when he wants to get by (doesn't always say it loud enough or wait for the other person to move, but hey he says it)
  • He loves juice and chocolate milk
  • He loves swings
  • Hates getting his head wet
  • Loves music, lip singing, dancing, and shows (favorite movies right now are Planes, Cars, Frozen, and Wall-E)
  • He is a solid sleeper which is great when David wakes up crying in the middle of the night for some reason - Jake sleeps right through it all
  • He LOVES books and reading
  • His stuffed animals that he sleeps with each night are Fred (Dr. Seuss toy given to him when he was born) and Roo (Kangaroo).
  • Jake can buckle himself into his car seat (minus tightening the straps)
  • Started his second round of swim lessons this week at the YMCA with his best buddy Adan
David - just turned 1

  • David loves to be where everyone else is - he is constantly holding onto my legs and using me as a tunnel while I cook dinner or do anything really
  • When Daddy comes in the door from work, David pretty much runs, laughing and smiling, to hug his Daddy.
  • He loves to play with his big brother - he is a bit of a "bully" in that he is regularly tackling his brother for apparently no good reason other than it looks like fun
  • He loves to blow zerberts (raspberries) on all of us. Daddy's belly is his favorite but he also does it to Mommy's legs. They are very slobbery and often involve some teeth - ouch!
  • He loves to eat and does not like to sign for what he wants - just point and grunt
  • He is starting to really enjoy reading books with mom and dad
  •  He is climbing up on everything
  • He is currently wearing the clothes that Jake was wearing at the time that David was born - big boy!
  • He loves slides
  • Is comfortable in the water
  • Loves to dance, not as entranced by the TV as his brother and not a fan of long car rides (1 hour constitutes a long car ride for him)
  • he has struggled with separation anxiety where Jake never really did
  • He slept through the night at about 6 weeks old and we moved him to his own room at 1 week old because his breathing was soooo loud - I could hear him from my room across the hall with the door closed
  • David is not a pleasant teether - currently working on two molars
  •  Started swim lessons for the first time this week at the YMCA (parent child class with buddy Olivia)
Anyway, love my kids. Love to talk about them, take pictures of them, and be with them.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Things don't go the way you plan...

So we told you all that we were going to have a little girl sometime around June 9th. Well apparently the tech at Kaiser was wrong about the gender of our baby because on May 23rd at 5:25pm we had a healthy baby boy! We were all ready for our sweet little girl; Dan had finished the baby's nursery and we had her name and we were just waiting for due day. Well I had pre-eclampsia again so I was induced on May 22nd. After 20 hours of labor, two contractions and 5 pushes later we had our baby. So much excitement and crying for joy. Then the midwife adjusts the baby on my chest just enough for me to see and suddenly stop crying and shout out, "Is that a boy?". Why yes, that is a boy and of course the second thing out of my mouth was, "Great, we are screwed, we don't have a name!" The story of my son's birth! :-) He is our sweet precious miracle and surprise. Surprise because we were not at all prepared for a baby boy and miracle because after he was born we discovered there was a knot in the umbilical cord that could have tightened and cut off his lifeline at any point. So grateful for our little boy! Well it took about 24 hours but we came up with a name, David Brian! He is a great baby and his big brother takes such great care of him. So sweet. Here are some pictures of our boys!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Music and Jake

Jake loves to dance! We were listening to the radio and a song from the movie "Cars" came on and he was so excited! This is how he dances when a song he likes comes on.

Jake runs

Jake loves to be outside! His favorite places are the park and the zoo. Since it was too late to go to either of those places, I took Jake for a walk around the block - well really he took me. He pretty much ran like this the whole way. Lucky for me, he stopped several times to point out trees, dogs, bugs, etc so I could catch up. :-)

Jake's message to Daddy! A must see...

Jake loves the water...

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Monday, March 4, 2013

The sweet things in life!

Dan has started a new nightly routine with Jake and I just discovered it last night. Jake's nighttime routine consists of Nakey Jakey Bear, chasing dad all around the house, then pj's, teeth brushing, then reading books, praying together and then bed. Just recently Dan has started to sing to Jake before he puts him down. I didn't know that until last night. Jake and I went through his whole routine, I turned out the light and prayed with Jake and then he turned to me and said, "Momma sing". He has never asked me to do that but I wasn't going to deny him. So I sang him some of my favorite songs. He then put his face against mine as I continued to sing and then he gave me a kiss and said, "Non" which means bed. It was amazing how much good that time did my heart. After talking with Dan, I discovered he had recently started this routine with Jake. I couldn't believe how sweet it was. I asked Dan what he sang to Jake and he sings a variation of the "Baby Bubbas" song that Dan made up shortly after Jake was born.

The sweetest moments to cherish with our little boy!