Our precious boy is already 4 months old! It seems like we see a little something new every day. Jake is smiling all the time and even laughing! I love to hear him laugh, anytime I can make him laugh I work to make it happen over and over. :-) He is seeing things and grabbing for them. He has found his toes a few times. He love to stand - with lots of help of course. He puts everything in his mouth and when there is nothing then he tries his darnedest to put his whole fist in his mouth. He is over 16lbs already! Jake is going to daycare 4 days a week and he has a great time. He has tummy time, nap time, story time, and play time. We are also at the stage where we are teaching Jake to put himself to sleep. Sometimes it works great and other times it is so hard to let him cry for awhile. I keep having to remind myself that it is good for him and us.
Dan and I are doing well. Spring has started at Amor Ministries, which means busy, busy, busy. We have groups building with us in three locations this spring so we will be stretched thin. It is amazing how God always provides though. Dan will be working in Tecate this spring, which is such a blessing because it means he is close to home. He is also spending more time working in logistics this spring so that means he is not spending the night in camp very often at all. Makes the wife and baby VERY happy.
We had Jake's baby dedication at church last Sunday. It was so fun to have friends and family there supporting us and committing with us to help Jake grow to know about Jesus. It is so good to know that we have so much support in one of the hardest adventures of our lives.
If you think of us, please pray for us. For us to be good stewards of what God has given us and for providence - things are super tight with all the bills and new expensive baby things. We know God is faithful and that He won't leave us or forsake us, but it is scary sometimes. Please pray for Dan and I as we continue to learn how to be a couple and parents at the same time.
We love you and I would love to know how I can be praying for you.
You and Danny are, and will be, fantastic parents.
Aw.... sounds like such an adventure!!!! So excited for you guys!!! We love you. Hope to see you soon!!!
~Thanks Uncle Larry! Can't wait for you to meet the little guy.~
~Miss you too Anna! Hope to see you soon and can't wait to hear from you March 17th!~
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