"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other. So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mout
h." Rev 3:15-16I have chosen to memorize this verse since it is our theme verse for the next year here at Amor. This is a tough verse. There is no in between with God. It is probably not fun to be "lukewarm" anyway. Funny thing is, I often find myself being lukewarm. I get lazy and lose passion and fire. I don't know why I do that - is it my way of checking out and taking a breather or is it just easier to be lazy and not apply passion to my life and walk with the Lord. Lazy is not profitable for anyone, especially myself and my family. I want to live life to its fullest with passion and zeal. I wa
nt to know God and be known by God. I want to love others the way Christ loves me. I want to continually give of myself and find energy in being loving and compassionate to all that I encounter. What about you? What is your purpose and passion in life? What do you want to go out of this life being known for?
We are in escrow! AAHHHAAHHH! Don't get me wrong, I am really excited but scared out of my bloomin' mind. It means more scrutiny about where and how we spend money and more time at home. I am really excited though. It is a beautiful home and it really is move-in ready. It is in a great neighborhood with a great school district, and most important close to my parents so when we have kids they can be close to their grandparents. I was never close to my grandparents growing up and I really think that I missed out. Dan was very close to his grandparents and to hear the stories and see the pictures makes me wish I had had that growing up. Anyway back to the escrow issue. We are supposed to close on the 17th of September! Whahoo. It is our one year anniversary to each other. Can you believe it has already been one whole year. It has just flown by with so much going on. It has been amazing. I have learned more about the love of my life and grown more in love with him. We have been through many trying times but it brings us closer and makes us stronger. The Lord has been so gracious to us and really called on us to trust Him. I was in the hospital on Thursday morning, in intense pain. It turns out I have a kidney infection. I would not recommend one of those to anyone. It is very painful and greatly affects your life for several days. I am being a good girl and taking my meds and trying to sleep and rest and heal up. I look pretty pitful since I am wearing a cast on my right foot and holding my kidney (my right lower back area). I am quite the sight. I hope you have enjoyed a little wandering through my brain today. :)
Death...I try to avoid the reality of it. Apparently you can only avoid it for so long before it finds you. Dan's grandmother passed away on July 30th, 2008 and it hurts. I miss her so much and feel like it was not right that she be taken away from us. I want her back. It was the first funeral for me and let me tell you...I am NOT a fan. They are sad and awkward. You are never sure what to say and you don't know what will make you cry or even if you will cry. Then when you put the ashes in the niche, you think, this is really final, she is not coming back. Who thought dying should be part of the life process. I do not care for it at all. I want to go to heaven but I was kind of hoping to just kind of float my way there. I don't want to experience pain or death. I think reality is settling in slowly that that is not the way it works. The good news is that God is faithful and He loves me more than I can fathom. I have also chosen to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for me and conquered death so that I could be with Him for eternity. I have faith that I will be with the Father in the future and I have to tell you that I am really looking forward to it. I have no concept of what it will be like in heaven but I am positive it will not be a place of sorrow, regret, or pain. Thank you Jesus for loving me and for saving me from an eternity without You!