Dear Family and Friends,
Thank you for your love, prayers, and support! You get our letters because you have had and continue to have an impact in our lives.
As always, this Spring was the peak season at Amor and saw 117 groups building 254 homes in Tecate, Tijuana, Puerto Peñasco, and on the San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona. Dan traveled out to Puerto Peñasco a few times to work with groups, to deliver and pick up tools, and other logistical stuff.
Summer season was in full swing by June, with 111 groups building about 200 homes in Rosarito, Tijuana, San Carlos. This July kicks off Amor’s first ever Women of Strength trip to South Africa! We have several Amor staff members traveling to Africa to join over 80 women from the US and Europe to build a home for a single mother in Johannesburg.
Our family had two pretty big events in the last month, reminding us that the path of life takes us both through the valleys and over the peaks. Grammie, Katie’s Dad’s mom, passed away on Saturday June 9th. We will miss her but are thankful knowing she is with the Lord and no longer in pain. The very next day, the family gathered for the wedding of Katie’s youngest brother Daniel, and his fiancée Sammi. It was a happy event that gave the family an opportunity to gather together, draw comfort from each other, and celebrate the joy in life.
We are looking forward to our family vacation in August. We were lucky to be blessed by the generosity of a coworker of Katie’s Mom, who has a vacation home at Big Bear Lake, east of Los Angeles, which she is letting us use for a week. We can’t wait for a week of relaxation, and Dan in particular is looking forward to some green, mountain forests – which he hasn’t seen since “becoming” a Southern Californian seven years ago!
Jake continues to grow, learn, eat huge amounts of food, and amaze every day. He greets us every morning in the dim light of his room by pulling our his pacifier, clearly saying “Hi”, and then quickly sticking his pacifier back in his mouth. He has sixteen very sharp teeth and is still struggling to come to terms with the fact that they need to be brushed twice a day. He is genuinely a happy, good natured little boy, prone to spontaneous dancing , generously affectionate with hugs and kisses and we are lucky to be his parents.
Thank you for the way you bless us with your love and friendships. We wouldn’t be who we are today without each of you in our lives, so Thank You! Love, Dan, Katie, and the JakeMonster

How You Can Help
If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to do so, we’d love for you to get involved and actively participate in the ministry we’re doing at Amor. You can do that by praying for us and supporting us financially as we work to serve the needy in Mexico and on the San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona.
You can support us by sending funds to Amor with KQUE/DQUE on the memo line of your check:
Amor Ministries
1664 Precision Park Lane
San Diego, CA 92173
or visit (that’s Katie at the top of the page!) and designate the funds to KQUE/DQUE.
If you have any questions about donations please call 619.662.1200.