Jake is almost 18 months old! He loves to climb, run, shout, and laugh. He is very proud of himself when he is a good helper - we are really proud of him too! He throws his hands in the air and yells YAY! He is again working on more teeth. He is getting a little better at the teeth brushing thing, he still really hates it when it is mommy or daddy's turn to brush his teeth but we are working on it. He loves his stuffed animals. He curls up with one every night now.
Easter was great fun this year. Dan's home church, Central Christian Church from San Jose, came to visit since they were headed into Mexico with Amor that afternoon. It was great fun to see those two worlds come together a bit. That afternoon we spent some time with our neighbors and the kids had their first easter egg hunt. Jake loved it until he found a toy truck then he was done. :-) Then we had a wonderful family dinner. It is fun to see Noah and Jake as they get older start to be able to do a little bit together. I am looking forward to the day they are running around playing together. Here are a few pics of the weekend: