The kiddo is sleeping so I am finally sitting down to write this entry. Our baby boy was born at 10:15am on Saturday October 30th. He weighed 8lbs 5oz and was 21 - 1/2 inches long.
I went in for my regular check-up on Friday October 29th (my due date) and everything was good except my blood pressure was a bit high - very unusual for me. My doc felt that I should head straight to Labor and Delivery at Zion and be induced. We were not thrilled with the idea so we asked some more questions and decided that Dan would go to work for a couple of hours, I would go to lunch as planned with my friend, Wendy, and then we would get our stuff and head to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital about 3pm and went straight to the lab so they could do some blood work and then up to L&D for blood pressure monitoring.
When all was said and done, they still strongly recommended induction. I was admitted and induced that evening. Intense labor began about 10pm, by midnight thirty I was asking for the epidural. After the epidural we were able to get some shuteye. Dan in the chair by my hospital bed with a towel as his blanket and mom in the chair across the room. My blood pressure was checked every hour and progress was checked every three or four hours. By 7am, I was fully dilated and effaced. Of course that is the same time for shift changes at the hospital. We waited until 9am and the pushing began. One of the hardest things I have ever had to do.
Our little Jacob Henry was born an hour and fifteen minutes later. There were tears of join, lots of relief and joy by all. My dad listened to the birth over the phone since he was out of town at the time. It was all very special.
After we had been moved to postpartum, one of the nurses noticed that Jake was having breathing troubles and sent him to see a doctor. He was then admitted to the NI CU. That was a hard thing to deal with especially since I was confined to my bed because of the blood pressure meds they had me on. Jake recovered quickly but because of the antibiotics he was on, he was not released until Tuesday November 2.
It took several weeks of being home to discover that Jake was allergic to breast milk. Once we got that figured out and got him on a special formula, we had a much happier baby.
He is doing great! He is cooing often and smiling all the time now. He has been sleeping pretty much through the night for the last few nights which has been wonderful. His last appointment he weighed in at 12lbs 5oz. He is a very happy and healthy little boy and we are crazy about him!