My brother, Nathan, is married! It is so hard to believe. The wedding was crazy for all of us but fortunately the bride and groom had fun. They are now enjoying 10 days in a cabin up in Big Bear. Congrats Nathan and Livvy!
Things are beginning to wrap up at the Amor office. We have moved to our new desks and sealed off the walls to make the two units separate. We still have a lot of work to do before the new tenant moves in but it is coming together. We are excited for our new tenants. It is going to be a church, so we are excited about cultivating that relationship with them.
I was in the ER a couple of weeks ago with severe abdominal pain. The doctors diagnosed it as an ovarian cyst and sent me home with several medications to keep the pain down while I waited for the cyst to absolve or burst. Sounds fun, huh? Then I have a follow up appointment with an OBGYN and she does not think the cyst is what is causing all my pain and she thinks I should start ruling out other possibilities. Then I go to the primary care doctor and she thinks my problem is the cyst but she is willing to send me for an abdominal CT scan. So Sunday at 7am I am getting an abdominal CT scan. Please pray that the doctors figure out what is wrong and that they can fix the problem. I am in pain all the time and on vicodin around the clock.
That is where things stand right now. Thought I would share! :-)