With this diet I have been on, I have struggled with getting cranky easily and quickly. I want to eat food and hang with family and friends and not feel weird because I can't join in. I have been really trying to shift my thoughts when I realize that I am getting upset. One of the things that works the best is to start thanking the Lord for everything I can think of. It usually goes something like this:
Thank you for my home
my job
my friends
my family
the nice weather
my health
Your goodness
Your faithfulness
Thank you for indoor plumbing
Thank you for purified water
thank you for my big comfy bed
thank you for providing for us financially
thank you that we have more than we need
thank you for Your Word
thank you for freedom to worship You
Thank you for your protection
thank you that we only use outhouses when in MX
Thank you that my house is sturdy
thank you for entrusting me
thank you for being sovereign
thank you for the gift of eternity with you
thank you for the way you work through us when we don't even deserve to be acknowledged
thank you for your abounding love and patience
thank you for your forgiveness
thank you for your tenderness
thank you for continuing to train me up in your ways
thank you for those who lift me up in prayer
thank you for those who challenge me and help me to live better
I love you!
After that, I tend to realize that I have absolutely nothing to complain or be cranky about. It is a choice! I can have a thankful attitude or not, but it is my choice! That is what makes it so hard when I make the wrong choice. It is all on me. I am excited about what the Lord is doing in my life and how He is actively at work on this earth. Thank you Jesus for who You are and the amazing love you have for all of us!